[Download] The Ultimate Azure API Management Course Free
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The Ultimate Azure API Management Course Download
Hands Along! Step-by-Step guide to learn Azure Serverless API Management
![The Ultimate Azure API Management Course The Ultimate Azure API Management Course](https://downloadr.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The-Ultimate-Azure-API-Management-Course.jpg)
What you'll learn
- Create an API Management
- Create APIs
- API Direction Products
- Subscription keys
- API Counterfeit Responses
- Throttling
- Revisions
- Versions
- Policies
- Authentication Policies
- Access Restriction Policies
- Caching Policies
- Spoil-Domain Policies
- Transformation Policies
- Advanced Policies
- API Management Infrastructure
- Application Gateway
- CICD & ARM guide
- Monitoring
- Analytics
- Prosody
- Alerts
- Logs
- Diagnostic Settings
- Visual Studio Code
- API Gateway
- Serverless
- basic Cerulean skills
Welcome to The Ultimate Azure API Management Trend. This course bequeath puzzle over you adequate speed with Azure API Management, and you'll learn the best practices to implement API Management. With a special focus happening API Management Policies, you'll get to learn how you can utilise different policies to empower your APIs in the API Management, natural covering the Infrastructure part of the API Direction ending up with the Monitoring and empathise the key prosody that would service you to analyze your API Management. Fortunate Learning!
Who this course is for:
- Developers
- Computer software Engineers
- Software program Architect
- Azure Developers
- Cloud Application Developers
The Net Azure API Management Course Free Download
Source: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-last-azure-api-management-course/
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